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Nine Dots Legal

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What you need to know about the new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform in Victoria

What you need to know about the new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform in Victoria

The Victoria Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Reform Bill was introduced into the Victorian Parliament in March 2024....

Property Law, Tax Law

29 • 04 • 24

Significant new Victorian laws impacting land tax, windfall gains tax and vacant residential land tax

Significant new Victorian laws impacting land tax, windfall gains tax and vacant residential land tax

A new prohibition on adjustments for land tax and windfall gains tax and a significant broadening of the vacant residential...

Property Law, Tax Law

12 • 12 • 23

Victoria’s new Windfall Gains Tax

What you need to know about Victoria’s new ‘Windfall Gains Tax’

As part of the Victorian Budget 2021/22, a new property tax, the windfall gains tax (WGT), will be applied to land...

Property Law, Tax Law

05 • 11 • 21